26 August 2011

Ethno in Transit live at Žička kartuzija 2011

Vabljeni k ogledu fenomenalnega nastopa mednarodne zasedbe Ethno in Transit v Žički kartuziji.
Več o skupini: http://www.myspace.com/ethnointransit
 Ethno in Transit is an international music collective that is breathing new life into the traditional music of the people of the world. They are taking it out live to the music loving people of the world.
The band emerged out of Ethno music camps in Europe in 2009 (see http://www.ethno-world.org and http://www.jmi.net). Their spell binding performances include a diverse and vibrant mix of South American rhythms, coupled with beautiful Celtic and European melodies.
They have performed in many different settings and venues, from folk festivals in the UK and across Europe to Estonia, to packed theaters, outdoor stages, prisons and schools in Slovenia.
The idea of promoting cultural music as a means of universal communication and education amongst young people remains at the heart of why they do what they do.
“It has to be said... Ethno In Transit are the most compelling, fun, inspirational group of musicians you are ever likely to hear. Timo and I were going to listen to a little of their set last night at Ashover Well Dressed festival before heading south but . . . one and a half hours later - they still had us entranced. A straight-through set, it was just amazing. I'd pay a lot of money to see and hear that again.” Karen Tweed, UK, July 2010.

19 August 2011

Punk Rock Holiday 1.1, avgust 2011

Na ogled so fotografije skupin Bad Religion, Total Chaos in Red Five Point Star. © David Verlič
Bad Religion
Bad Religion
Bad Religion
Total Chaos
Total Chaos
Total Chaos
Total Chaos
Red Five Point Star

17 August 2011

Spominska cerkev Sv. Duha

Cerkev Svetega Duha je spominska cerkev iz prve svetovne vojne, ki se nahaja na Javorci (571 mnm) nad planino Polog in je okrog 8 km oddaljena od vasi Zatolmin. Posvečena je padlih avsto-ogrskim branilcem tolminskega bojišča soške fronte. Kot najlepši spomeik 1. sv. vojne na ozemlju Slovenije se je leta 2007 uvrstila med zgodovinske spomenike, ki nosijo znak evropske kulturne dediščine.

Kamera: David Verlič